Yup, that’s right. I’m getting closer. Been writing up TMA 6 scared it’s waffle though! I’m desperate to reach my own targets which I set myself each time for the next TMA 🙂
I’ve been amazed by the Olympics. The opening ceremony, the events and just how amazingly well team GB has been doing! Its hard to concentrate on anything else. It’s hard to keep up with blogging too.
I’m ready to start two new modules over the next two months DD203 power, dissent, equality and protest and AA303 Exploring Philosophy. Ive ordered a book on western philosophy from Amazon that’s recommended for the course. Its taken two days to dispatch must be the new policy with their free delivery. In the past the free delivery rivalled first class! :p
Can’t wait to see the modules go. It will be sooooo hard fitting the time in. I struggle now and I’m lazy. Let alone with two level 2 modules. I’ll post a photo when I get my book and read the intro. Maybe you’ll see it on my instragrams.
I’ve wrote this using my iPhone WordPress app so apologies for any typos 🙂
Take care readers. Enjoy the Olympics the soon to be Paralympics and/or whatever else your doing!