Weeks 15-16, Top-down or bottom-up? & Governing weapons proliferation

I’ve been asked before just what the format and structure of study is like with the Open University. I’ve decided to create this post and make it (nearly) entirely Open University based. I’ve attached some images in the slide show below, and I hope that it assists with giving a picture of what I do (or should be doing every week ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

My study planner for this Week highlights that I should be at “Week 16 – Governing weapons proliferation“. Which I’ve just finished!

Each week usually has a chapter from the OU module materials, that must be read along with activities in the book and online. Further reading sources are provided every week, and it’s expected that 6 hours every week should be allocated to this. I also try to read a chapter from my outside text “The Globalization of World Politics“.

I’ve tried to keep it relatively brief here. I could go on and on and make this essayish but I figure anyone interested would lose interest! Audio and video material is provided online nearly each week too. Attendance in face-to-face tutorials isn’t required but recommended. I think I’ve missed about one or two during my whole degree. As you progress to level 3. Tutorials are few and far between.

That’s it for now. I have a more exciting post coming up in the next few days, I’m still on a high from the news I received and can’t wait to share it with my readers. I can’t wait! Just am so excited ๐Ÿ™‚

As I was typing this I was listening to Loick Essien – Number One ๐Ÿ˜€

Have a good week all!

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