ECU problems leave mixedmatt carless…

All in the title really.

It drove fine the day before driving me to and from work. Then Sunday morning came and nada. Nothing engine was just turning over but no ignition it wouldn’t move off the drive. I had to get my mum to give me a lift to work. Next day I called out britannia rescue to get the car to the garage. Was horrible having to see my baby car on the back of a tow truck. Anyway, Next morning after my university tutorial my worst fears where confirmed. The ECU was not responding to anything. Common fault on Renault Clios of this age πŸ™

I’m not 100% sure what I’m gonna do yet. Really hate taking buses to work and around. Have to leave so early to go anywhere and I’m addicted to a car now! Having taken the bus yesterday to work and having to leave so early it just gets me down. When I get a new car I would like it to be another Clio in Black. Just gonna make sure it’s a better one πŸ˜‰

Better get back to writing my essay.

Oh by the way, Pleaseee can someone list some tunes in the comments below that I can stick on my iPod? I’ll love you forever. I got old crap on here and it’s really boring.

Got a car!! Woohoo!!

I have a car finally. I’ve not been able to post much due to lots of things going on with it (Good and bad). Anyway I’m now a proud owner of a Renault Clio 2.

I had a few problems with it after purchase due to me not getting it checked properly however it’s repaired now. The car was low priced but the repairs that needed doing ended up bringing it up to Β£500.

Soon after purchase I had the car serviced and the gearbox oil topped up. Problems were immediately brought up. The problems were that the two front suspension coils, wheel cylinder, CV boot and spare tyre being perished amongst other small things. They are all fixed now. However I still have issues when starting (someone informed me it may be the TDC sensor!) and I do need 3 new tyres.

Apart from that all is gravy πŸ™‚

I’ve been so busy so not really had time to post. Busy with work. Busy with the business and stuff. I’ve renamed the company to Novenet and we have a semi-pro logo created by yours truly! We will have a professional logo and site coming online soon though. I will talk about that all in another post.

Anyway just wish me luck with my motor readers!! Hopefully I get a year outta it at least πŸ™‚

Banking sorted… concentrating on the important things!

I’ve finally switched banks. Something I should have done years ago. Bye Abbey!

Now I have finally started concentrating on the important things and looking forward to beginning my second year at uni. This week I’ve done a far amount on Ferrari Fans but I still have not got round to writing some articles up which I plan to do shortly. I really want to get some more written up because I don’t feel it should just be superkimi writing them all but me contributing too. It would be unfair for him to produce and me not to really in that sense. Most of the articles I plan to write are automotive/motorsport engineering based and will be quite technical in depth.

I have a lot of other plans in store this week for Ferrari Fans… mainly rewriting some of the content on site. A few days ago I updated the rank set to the one you see below. I think they look a lot easier on the eye and more attractive.




This week will consist of work… more work, driving to and from work. Relaxation and the odd spot of work on Ferrari Fans. All sounds pretty good to me but I am sure the plans will change over the course of the week.

I plan to keep updating this often just been busy over the last few days. Till next time.. cya πŸ™‚

Driving Exam

So I have booked my driving exam. Date is not going to be shared because I don’t want anyone to know when it is. Don’t want to have to break the news if I fail πŸ™‚

All I can say is I am looking forward to it.

Thanks to the community and articles over at 2pass I am feeling confident about it πŸ™‚

That’s all I am going to say..

Driving Lesson No.11

Today I had a good lesson. Did parallel parking, turn in the road and left reverse turn. We didn’t get onto Bay parking this week πŸ™

My instructor says my driving is going well and we should be looking at booking a test in about two to three weeks!! I am happy with my driving and will go out in my mums car on Sunday to practice bay parking.

Looking forward to next weeks lesson.

Theory Passed!

I passed my theory today!

35/35 Multiple choice, 51/75 Hazard Perception

The hazard perception was longer, harder and even more boring then I expected. The multiple choice theory was as I expected not too hard. Happy to get 35/35!

All those who are thinking about taking their theory soon think about it harder! πŸ™‚

The questions are increasing to 50 in September πŸ˜‰