Here be all my books (novels and academic) that I have read or am in the process of reading. All Politics, Philosophy and Economics links, books and methods are also here.
This is for myself and others to remember and make use of. Just remember I have not used or read some of them fully but they are here anyway. I really am so so pushed for time 🙂
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The Railways: Nation, Network and People by Simon Bradley
The Railways: Nation, Network and People
Link: The Railways: Nation, Network and People
Author: Simon Bradley
Status: Incomplete
Description: Britain’s railways have been a vital part of national life for nearly 200 years. Transforming lives and landscapes, they have left their mark on everything from timekeeping to tourism. As a self-contained world governed by distinctive rules and traditions, the network also exerts a fascination all its own.
From the classical grandeur of Newcastle station to the ceaseless traffic of Clapham Junction, from the mysteries of Brunel’s atmospheric railway to the lost routines of the great marshalling yards, Simon Bradley explores the world of Britain’s railways, the evolution of the trains, and the changing experiences of passengers and workers. The Victorians’ private compartments, railway rugs and footwarmers have made way for air-conditioned carriages with airline-type seating, but the railways remain a giant and diverse anthology of structures from every period, and parts of the system are the oldest in the world.
Using fresh research, keen observation and a wealth of cultural references, Bradley weaves from this network a remarkable story of technological achievement, of architecture and engineering, of shifting social classes and gender relations, of safety and crime, of tourism and the changing world of work. The Railways shows us that to travel through Britain by train is to journey through time as well as space.

John Sloman’s Economics Eighth Edition
Economics 8th Edition
Link: Economics, Plus MyEconLab with Pearson Etext
Author: John Sloman
Status: Well, do you don’t expect me to read it page to page do you?!
Probably the best Economics book I have bought academically. I reviewed it in amazon so I will just paste it here. If you are going to purchase this. I recommend you get the version with MyEconlab and Pearson Etext. There are so many practice questions and case studies available on MyEconLab this is so much more then just a book. Btw, Ignore the grammar! It was late.
Update (26/12/2014): The 9th Edition of this book has been released.
Review from Amazon
Love this book. Aids with my understanding of my current university module.
All graphs use curves as a convention, my university uses lines called curves but they are still the same thing.
MyEconLab is a god send. Many things I haven’t understood have been cleared up by answering the questions online. I like testing myself. I can see this useful coming up to revision time. Not had the book long but for any Economics student, it’s worth the buy.

Definitely required reading for anyone interested in Economics.
The Undercover Economist
Link: The Undercover Economist – Tim Harford
Status: Incomplete
If you know little about Economics. It’s probably good to pick up a book such as this and start here. Even if you are a professional Economist it’s still most likely an interesting read, with lots to critique and some eye openers. I’m only halfway through and should have finished it by now. When I do finish it. I will provide a more comprehensive review.
If you know little about Economics. It’s probably good to pick up a book such as this and start here. Even if you are a professional Economist it’s still most likely an interesting read, with lots to critique and some eye openers. I’m only halfway through and should have finished it by now. When I do finish it. I will provide a more comprehensive review.

George Orwell 1984
1984 – Nineteen Eighty-Four
Status: In Progress
‘Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past’
Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites the past to suit the needs of the Party. Yet he inwardly rebels against the totalitarian world he lives in, which demands absolute obedience and controls him through the all-seeing telescreens and the watchful eye of Big Brother, symbolic head of the Party. In his longing for truth and liberty, Smith begins a secret love affair with a fellow-worker Julia, but soon discovers the true price of freedom is betrayal.
George Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four is perhaps the most pervasively influential book of the twentieth century.
The Globalization of World Politics – 6th Edition
Link: The Globalization of World Politics
Status: In Progress
Status: In Progress