Housing and Inequality

The Ledbury Estate Peckham. In the event of an explosion the blocks may collapse, subsequently the gas was switched off in the blocks

I research and regularly attend events on the UK Housing Crisis. I am in the early stages of writing a paper on housing and various inequalities.

Housing issues differ from locality to locality, and individual to individual. My research endeavours to focus on the inequalities of income, education, environment, social classes and race.

First, investigating the barriers people face to obtaining safe housing as a result of income, social class and education.

Second, the behaviour of local authorities towards those in racial minorities and social classes.

Finally the environment, is it the most overlooked inequality? Does someone born in a council estate in a city have access to the same opportunities in terms of housing as someone in a rural town?

My research seeks to understand and answer these fundamental questions.

On a personal level, having lived in a tower block myself, the Grenfell Tower tragedy really stoked an interest within. It was clearly not an isolated case of neglect from my own experiences.

These issues led me to campaign for better rental conditions and reform in the housing market. With this, I have also provided suggests on how UK policymakers can better solve UK housing problems.

The videos below are some events I have attended which shed a light on the difficulties that tenants, and more specifically social housing tenants face.

Latest Research Articles

11 February 2021 / Housing

Government announces billions to fix cladding on high-rises

The number of high rise apartment blocks wrapped in combustible Grenfell tower-style cladding totals around 470 (‘Grenfell Tower-Style Cladding Identified...
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15 August 2020 / Housing

Covid 19: The generational housing divide

Amongst many of the financial issues Covid-19 has wrought in the short run, the social issues are no less damaging but are not quite as obvious.

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Events Attended

Dispossession Film Screening and Panel

22 January 2019
Time: 6:30 – 9:45pm
Venue: Arts Two Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, E1 4NS London, United Kingdom

Continuing with #QMULGrenfell events, the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) at Queen Mary University of London School of Law hosted a screening of Dispossession: The Great Social Housing Swindle followed by a panel discussion. (QMUL, 2017).

Timings were:

18:30 – 20:00 Film Screening

20:15 – 21:45 Panel

School of Law event — Grenfell Tower Fire: The Avoidable Tragedy

Wednesday, 19 July 2017 from 18:00 to 21:00 (BST)
Queen Mary University of London

Grenfell: from social harm to social murder?
Wednesday, 15 November 2017 from 14:00 to 16:00 (GMT)
Queen Mary University of London

This is the July 2014 Grenfell Tower Newsletter. Pay particular attention to the new fire doors mentioned at the bottom of the newsletter. These where stated to withstand a fire for 30mins, this article from after the fire (tests conducted) finds they could only withstand half that.

Key Articles and Reports:

Unequal Britain: attitudes to inequality in light of Covid – Kings College London – Policy Institute (February 2021)

Residents warned council landlord about overcrowded flat before fatal fire – (March 2023)