Another long time since I last posted here but here is another post to keep the very few who read entertained 🙂
A lot has changed since February I guess. I’ve finished college and am ready (well nearly) for University. I’ve seen what Oxford Brookes is like and I love it. I really am looking forward to it. It’s been a very different month. I’ve got even more tired of working in a pub and I am thinking about leaving earlier then intended. Some people really irritate me at work and the whole job just isn’t me.
More about University!! I actually didn’t know what Oxford Brookes and the surrounding area was like until I visited about 2 weeks ago!! I already had it down as my firm choice. However I was confident I would like the place. I wasn’t wrong. Overall the place had a better feel then Hertfordshire University. There are only a few universities that I considered. They were all highly regarded in the Motorsport world which is what I hope to make my profession. After visiting Oxford Brookes and in comparison to Hertfordshire I found Brookes the most suitable. Here are some piccies of the tour!

Headington Campus. I will be staying in wheatley halls which are about 30mins away from Headington and a bit older. With no en-suite, but catered halls.
Williams F1 Racing car from 2001 in the workshop. Williams are based close to the university in Grove, Oxfordshire. Oxford Brookes is in the heart of “Motorsport Valley”!
It was a cool day out. Seeing where I would spend my next few years. It’s good to know they have a Costa coffee on campus too 🙂
Web wise Ferrari fans is doing well with the new design. We have some new staff aboard and have been steadily improving..
I’ve got months off now.. So I will be here to update this often from now on.
Happy holidays!