Weeks 15-16, Top-down or bottom-up? & Governing weapons proliferation

I’ve been asked before just what the format and structure of study is like with the Open University. I’ve decided to create this post and make it (nearly) entirely Open University based. I’ve attached some images in the slide show below, and I hope that it assists with giving a picture of what I do (or should be doing every week πŸ™‚ ).

My study planner for this Week highlights that I should be at “Week 16 – Governing weapons proliferation“. Which I’ve just finished!

Each week usually has a chapter from the OU module materials, that must be read along with activities in the book and online. Further reading sources are provided every week, and it’s expected that 6 hours every week should be allocated to this. I also try to read a chapter from my outside text “The Globalization of World Politics“.

I’ve tried to keep it relatively brief here. I could go on and on and make this essayish but I figure anyone interested would lose interest! Audio and video material is provided online nearly each week too. Attendance in face-to-face tutorials isn’t required but recommended. I think I’ve missed about one or two during my whole degree. As you progress to level 3. Tutorials are few and far between.

That’s it for now. I have a more exciting post coming up in the next few days, I’m still on a high from the news I received and can’t wait to share it with my readers. I can’t wait! Just am so excited πŸ™‚

As I was typing this I was listening to Loick Essien – Number One πŸ˜€

Have a good week all!

Love being so busy!

Heavy reading? Aiming for 100% in everything :)

Heavy reading? Aiming for 100% in everything πŸ™‚

As I said in my previous post, I think I’d be more then a little busy this year this has turned out to be true.

I’ve bought two economics books as I really want too boost my grades in Economics. Andrew Gillispies book seems to be more lighter and suitable to introduce newbies into Economics.

Doing two modules at once with the open university was always gonna be tough. Economics much tougher then politics but on the whole both very engaging, interesting and applicable to the real world.

Today at work I had what I thought was the beginning of a good conversation going with a customer. She asked me what I was studying I told her PPE and she then asked what career options am I thinking of. I told her EU or civil service. She told me to keep quiet it’s a dirty word then told me how soldiers fought and died so dictators at the EU wouldn’t make laws for us and how the EU is undemocratic. I didn’t say this but was just thinking as she was mouthing off… The EU is an example of representative democracy. Like our nation is. It’s not a direct democracy. It has stayed true to its founding principles as laid down by Sir Winston Churchill and Robert Schuman amongst others. It’s by no means perfectly democratic but what institution is? We can act to improve it. She then started talking or should I say SHOUTING about Mr Farage and she wouldn’t stop. Rambling on about him being a man of the British people. Looking out for British workers. Much how a certain German politician promised to before the Second World War I guess. She sounded like she was brainwashed unfortunately considering I wasn’t answering her at this stage because she was so ill informed and seemed so ignorant to anybody else.

I couldn’t believe all that reaction came from my career path to be honest. It’s scary to think we have ignorant and the ill informed in the country who cannot even reason or disagree in a polite manner without raising their voices to be heard. If I had been a ex-soldier or if I said I wanted to join the army how would she have viewed me then? Presumably in a positive light despite the fact I may have ended the lives of people with a gun or maybe going on to. Really is this what has Britain come to? Hmmm. Something doesn’t sit right πŸ™

So as you can see politics comes up even without intention. Maybe more so because of my pathway. I’m finding I’ve learnt so much more though. When walking around shops or any public place my economics and politics knowledge seems to kick in! I read the economist and understand more and more week by week. It’s all very exciting πŸ™‚

My exams for economics are in June so a lot of prep ahead!

I went to Paris on March 25th. It’s a beautiful city but not as beautiful as Brussels! It was a rainy day but still it was nice to be away from London for a change. I can’t believe it being only a train ride away I never been. Take a look at the assortment of photos below.

It was lovely though, didn’t want to return home. Day trips do feel really long though. I’m planning to go racing again and go gym after I finish DD209 – Running the Economy. Then I can focus just on DD203 – Power, dissent, equality: understanding contemporary politics. Once DD203 finishes in September 2014, I will be moving on to DD309 – Doing economics: people, markets and policy this looks to be interesting.

I probably won’t post again till after the 6th June 2014. When I actually stop going full-time and go part-time with my studies again.

Till next time. See you πŸ™‚

The final book of my Philosophy module! Woo!!

All 6 Philosophy texts that have been studied. Not including the huge set book!

All 6 Philosophy texts that have been studied. Not including the huge set book!

I’m on the final book of my Philosophy module. Book 6: Political Philosophy.
Thank goodness. I’ve kind of liked and disliked this module. Like marmite! πŸ™‚

Sometimes I’ve enjoyed the philosophical debates and thinking that I’ve done, and at other times just loathed it.

Political Philosophy seems interesting so far. I’ve covered political obligation and I’ve read part of the Crito. Which is a dialogue between Socrates and Plato on his obligations to the state, with Socrates arguing he should remain in the city of Athens and face his inevitable death sentence. The three arguments Socrates uses are first, a parental analogy, disobeying the state is like disobeying your parents. The second because the state where the authors of his education and thirdly, because he has made an agreement with the state to obey the law. I’ve enjoyed that first half of this book. A lot more then the others πŸ™‚

Every day I get closer to the exam!! Today, I was meant to do some mock questions but I couldn’t. The library was busy and I wasn’t prepared. I’m a bit behind in reading for my final assignment on my module. Pressure is in the air but I’m cool as usual πŸ™‚

I’ve not been writing much. Been busy with life and as a few of you readers may know. I’m really living life to the full now πŸ˜‰

Hope all my readers are having fun and are in peace. Till next time.

Life since February

Another long time since I last posted here but here is another post to keep the very few who read entertained πŸ™‚

A lot has changed since February I guess. I’ve finished college and am ready (well nearly) for University. I’ve seen what Oxford Brookes is like and I love it. I really am looking forward to it. It’s been a very different month. I’ve got even more tired of working in a pub and I am thinking about leaving earlier then intended. Some people really irritate me at work and the whole job just isn’t me.

More about University!! I actually didn’t know what Oxford Brookes and the surrounding area was like until I visited about 2 weeks ago!! I already had it down as my firm choice. However I was confident I would like the place. I wasn’t wrong. Overall the place had a better feel then Hertfordshire University. There are only a few universities that I considered. They were all highly regarded in the Motorsport world which is what I hope to make my profession. After visiting Oxford Brookes and in comparison to Hertfordshire I found Brookes the most suitable. Here are some piccies of the tour!

Headington Halls
Headington Campus. I will be staying in wheatley halls which are about 30mins away from Headington and a bit older. With no en-suite, but catered halls.

Headington Campus
Headington Campus again.

Williams F1 Car
Williams F1 Racing car from 2001 in the workshop. Williams are based close to the university in Grove, Oxfordshire. Oxford Brookes is in the heart of “Motorsport Valley”!

Trains at Oxford Station
Train at Oxford Station.

Another Train at Oxford
What it says! Oxford πŸ™‚

Oxford Brookes Formula Student Car
The Oxford Brookes Formula Student Car.

Students working on the Formula Student Car
Students working on the Formula Student Car.

It was a cool day out. Seeing where I would spend my next few years. It’s good to know they have a Costa coffee on campus too πŸ™‚

Web wise Ferrari fans is doing well with the new design. We have some new staff aboard and have been steadily improving..

I’ve got months off now.. So I will be here to update this often from now on.

Happy holidays!