I’ve enrolled onto my French course for the summer. The aim is to learn French right up to C2 (Fluency). I’m excited, and start on the 8th June. So, next week! I’ll also be in Brussels in two weeks, so, a lot to look forward to.
Today, I also officially completed my project for DD309 with the Open University. I will be driving up to Milton Keynes to hand it in on Tuesday morning (tomorrow). It’s all been printed and bound, after a lot of blood, sweat and tears.. well not entirely true but almost! 😉
I’ve enjoyed this module immensely my tutor has been great. Assisting me through Skype/Email and face to face at our session at the London School of Economics. The project involved huge amounts of research regarding Environmental Economics and Carbon Trading. I’ll never look at the European Emissions trading scheme in the same light again.
On the way, I learnt so many things about how the EU operates. From using their direct line service (for help on EU matters) and Email. All of which delivered exactly what I needed. I feel that like most things regarding governance most of the information and is there if you ask for it.
I’ve also become more aware of how deeply important the environment is to us as a public good. Not just due to climate change, but the air we breathe, the views we enjoy. The things we can’t make excludable and struggle to protect. In conclusion, I found the EU ETS did assist with reducing emissions but only by a marginal amount and it maybe a little too early to say we collected any meaningful data. As the ETS has only been running 10 years. Environmental policies tend to take many years and not show improvements in short or even the medium-run. Many weaknesses within the EU carbon trading system can be solved by EU policymakers (which I will reveal in another blog post when I have my results back 😉 ).
It’s been incredible this module and I want to thank friends (some who are no longer with me), close family for the support. It’s been tricky at times to self-motivate myself. Many times I’d have a beer and watch question time doing little else. My degree is not over but it’s been an amazing journey so far and I feel everyone in my life is part of it. I’m so lucky to have you all. So, thank you!
My Pictures of the Month are below
Few notes: EMA stands for end of module assignment it’s basically my project for my Economics module. The intimate relations thing is an economic valuation I guess! How much time we spend and the net effect of those things, Got a few vanity shots… I don’t often go vain but I thought I’d go against the grain a little. And protect the NHS, our human rights might be disappearing but can we at least protect that? Too bad the tories got in.
My blog may be down at various points over the next month. It really needs an overhaul a nice new theme, it needs to be mobile/tablet friendly (hint, hint can anyone help in any way? 🙂 ).
Also, I’m taking action to address why the blog is slow loading. The database has pretty big over the years. I know the comment feature is not working properly for all readers. I’m trying to fix that too.
Whilst reading I was listening to:
Danke, Merci, Thank you
Yeah, I love this tune too. Got it on my iPod!!!