Brussels for the nth time :)

Brussels for the nth time πŸ™‚ – My return for the day on Tuesday 16th June 2015.

It’s nice to be back in Brussels as always. Even if I found it extremely tiring (got back at 10:30pm after my French lesson the Monday) then had to be up extremely early as I booked an earlier Eurostar train then usual, up at 5:30am. Then kind of ran out of places to go, not enough time, and too tired to think. There are tons more places in the city that I have not even explored yet, but they can’t be done in a day. I will only do a max of two more visits this year before saving up for the future.

In terms of University news. I was extremely disappointed that the Open university stopped graduation ceremonies in Versailles. Very, very upset about this. I was so looking forward to it. It was going to be one of the highlights of my 2016. So now, it’s not to be. I’m still not sure of the reasoning behind it. It seems a tad opaque. The OU cited costs, how much would they have needed to charge to make it profitable? Could it have had anything to do with government funding? I’ve been local for a way to become more vocal on this issue. Below is the letter sent by the OU to students. Is it just me who finds the explanation a bit hazy? πŸ™

Letter from the OU about the withdrawal of Versailles as a place of graduation.

So, here are a few videos that I took of my trip to Brussels. Enjoyed my time there even if it was just a day!

My images of that week are below, they are in random order.

Lastly, Rest in Peace to all those killed in terror attacks worldwide. Good and freedom will always prevail. Also, sad to hear of the tragic events in Belgium that killed a coach driver, and left many injured schoolchildren and teachers from Brentwood, Essex.

Getting Frenchified

Getting Frenchified – A new term that’s happily happening to me.

The first week (re)learning French has been exciting for me. I’ve lost a lot of what I thought I knew but also remembered quite a bit. Feel quite positive at the moment, I’ve only had two lessions so far my next one will be today (later in the evening).

Last week Monday, I was nervous about getting started with my first French lesson. Whilst waiting on the platform at Southbury (my local) station I heard a Belgian girl talking about Belgium with her companion. I got talking with her and she mentioned that she was from Flanders and how I would like Vilvoorde if I go to Brussels. I would have liked to speak to her more but didn’t get her name or number!

Anyway, I’m determined to get more involved in French culture, aka getting Frenchified. I’ve been given a great opportunity by the Institut FranΓ§ais who have given me a free year membership along with my study of the language. I want to meet French people, talk French and feel more comfortable talking French. Right now, I don’t have the confidence to talk French to people (in particular natives) except for a couple that I am really comfortable with. I’ve kind of become involved with, to meet and socialise with more French speakers. I’m also interested in socialising with Belgian people in London more. Going to try and find groups and people that I can meet πŸ™‚

Regarding the Institut Français, I aim to make use of the cinema. To watch French films, The prime one is Timbuktu at the moment and its subtitled so should help. I also want to explore other ways of connecting with French people and getting involved with French culture there. If anyone can suggest other ways in which I could get more Frenchified please comment.

I’ve got to work on my numbers, and French grammer a little more. My pronounciation is not too far off.

I’ve met a French girl that lives just outside of London. She’s pretty cool and it’s interesting getting to know her. Hoping to see her some more πŸ™‚

This week in images

I also ended up eating indian food at a restaurant for the first time that I can remember last week Friday. No snaps unfortunately.

Edit: I started writing this on Monday 15th and only published it on the 19th! I went to Brussels again on the 16th and so I will make a seperate post about my journey. Pics and videos to come! It’s been a hectic few weeks for me. Bit unusual and I’m not coping! πŸ™‚

Out of interest I need some business cards. I have a very basic design, could do with a little tweaking but simple is best and all that. They are going to be used for a wide range of purposes from professional job app to more informal encounters. If you a designer please comment below or mail me using the contact form.

I’m also thinking of writing a Economic paper (my second after my university report) about the Economics of developing countries focusing on the continent of Africa. If I do, the paper would be published and released here.

What I’ve been up to..

Studying French to C2 level.

Studying French to C2 level.

I’ve enrolled onto my French course for the summer. The aim is to learn French right up to C2 (Fluency). I’m excited, and start on the 8th June. So, next week! I’ll also be in Brussels in two weeks, so, a lot to look forward to.

Today, I also officially completed my project for DD309 with the Open University. I will be driving up to Milton Keynes to hand it in on Tuesday morning (tomorrow). It’s all been printed and bound, after a lot of blood, sweat and tears.. well not entirely true but almost! πŸ˜‰

I’ve enjoyed this module immensely my tutor has been great. Assisting me through Skype/Email and face to face at our session at the London School of Economics. The project involved huge amounts of research regarding Environmental Economics and Carbon Trading. I’ll never look at the European Emissions trading scheme in the same light again.

On the way, I learnt so many things about how the EU operates. From using their direct line service (for help on EU matters) and Email. All of which delivered exactly what I needed. I feel that like most things regarding governance most of the information and is there if you ask for it.

I’ve also become more aware of how deeply important the environment is to us as a public good. Not just due to climate change, but the air we breathe, the views we enjoy. The things we can’t make excludable and struggle to protect. In conclusion, I found the EU ETS did assist with reducing emissions but only by a marginal amount and it maybe a little too early to say we collected any meaningful data. As the ETS has only been running 10 years. Environmental policies tend to take many years and not show improvements in short or even the medium-run. Many weaknesses within the EU carbon trading system can be solved by EU policymakers (which I will reveal in another blog post when I have my results back πŸ˜‰ ).

It’s been incredible this module and I want to thank friends (some who are no longer with me), close family for the support. It’s been tricky at times to self-motivate myself. Many times I’d have a beer and watch question time doing little else. My degree is not over but it’s been an amazing journey so far and I feel everyone in my life is part of it. I’m so lucky to have you all. So, thank you!

My Pictures of the Month are below

Few notes: EMA stands for end of module assignment it’s basically my project for my Economics module. The intimate relations thing is an economic valuation I guess! How much time we spend and the net effect of those things, Got a few vanity shots… I don’t often go vain but I thought I’d go against the grain a little. And protect the NHS, our human rights might be disappearing but can we at least protect that? Too bad the tories got in.

My blog may be down at various points over the next month. It really needs an overhaul a nice new theme, it needs to be mobile/tablet friendly (hint, hint can anyone help in any way? πŸ™‚ ).

Also, I’m taking action to address why the blog is slow loading. The database has pretty big over the years. I know the comment feature is not working properly for all readers. I’m trying to fix that too.

Whilst reading I was listening to:

Danke, Merci, Thank you

The Environment and the EU

The Environment and the EU

Climate Action is needed.

Climate Action is needed.

Many people have asked me why do we need regional or world governance at all. Apart from the diplomatic, trade, economic benefits (not just economics in terms of financial, social, welfare etc) but a properly governed regional/world government can provide change and action for the most important category of them all.

The Environment

Care of the Environment is no longer confined to a few tree huggers but has become a major international concern. Climate change is real and the years we have lived through from the year 2000 are proof of that.

We just had the warmest year on record (2014). A second typhoon in a year just battered the Philippines with enormity (though you could argue it’s not directly linked). Climate change isn’t new and has happened in the history of this planet before, but never has it been down to mankind as it has been since the industrial revolution began. We have been unlocking carbon stored underground and pumping it directly out into the atmosphere (along with CFCs and other gases). Yet, We have some that still deny whether climate change is happening. This isn’t a post of whether climate change is or isn’t happening however. It’s about the environment, keeping the air we breath clean, the seas we fish in clean, the rivers we fish in clean, our existence and that of many species safe.

Why national governments can’t succeed with Environmental policy

National governments are often short sighted. It’s not their fault as most governments serve a term of 5 years. The focus will always be on the next election. The Environment requires very long term commitments and not short-run policy patches.

This is where regional or world governance can come in. The UN is not restrained by terms or the slow speed of democracy in this case. The EU does have a democratic parliament so can be restricted in terms of speed. In acting to form policy. Some issues which national governments have are not present at EU or international level.

But Climate Change will only effect other continents

Well, this isn’t the case (and stop being so selfish if you think that’s the case!) “A recent paper produced by the Climate Action Network highlights the impacts of climate change on Europe, of which Oxfam is focusing on the food and agriculture aspect of the report. With projected agricultural outputs expected to decrease 2% each decade for the next century in a world where food demand is set to increase by 14% in the same period, it is time for climate impacts on food security – inside and outside Europe – to be brought onto the agenda.” As agriculture represents 3.5% of the 28 Member state European Unions GDP and employs 17 million people it would be one of the hardest hit sectors and this is what the Oxfam source recognises.

We have seen yields in Europe decrease this year due to a change in climate (regardless of whether it’s a one-off or the beginning of a pattern). I talk of the Olive yield this year which is down on years previous, due to drought.

How far should things be left to the market to resolve?

It’s a normative question and the answer to this may depend on a persons politics. Politicans on the right would tend to favour a lesser degree of intervention (a more hands of approach) those on the left generally would prefer intervention.

The EU uses ‘cap and trade’ principle. The EU Emissions trading scheme is in it’s third phase.

Note: I’ve decided to make this a living post and will update accordingly (in the post or comments below). I chose to do this mainly as I don’t have much time now not even to proof-read. I’m doing a project in my Economics module, focusing on Environmental Economics. I hope I can provide more of an insight into this subject area (and be able to explain whats in my head with clarity!) more then! I’ll update this often once I’ve completed my project πŸ™‚

Sources: Image and quotations courtesy of – Oxfam

Here just about!

I’m still here all. Just got smelly dissertation/projecty thingy πŸ™

I got some new posts planned soon. On me and politics. Gotta stay tuned..

Britain’s Racist Election

Readers, its General Election time in the UK in May 2015. This documentary lays bare the human classification of race and the dangers it poses for any election. After watching it fully through I shall review it.

The story of the anti-immigration campaign in the 1964 General Election – featuring one of the most infamous slogans in British history – that made a small Midlands town notorious around the world


Surviving as a busy guy!

Keep calm and stay busy

Keep calm and stay busy (I’m trying!)

Yea, I’m a busy guy these days. When it’s not all university work and retail work.. I’m busy learning French (self-study), I also want to enter go-karting events this year but haven’t been gymming for years (being too busy!). Entering a championship like I did in 2013 is a pipedream now!

But.. I’m still here and I got many posts that I’d like to get online but simply just don’t have the time to refine them. I’m currently at the beginning of my project for Economics. Lots of research involved. I’m also massively behind on an assignment that’s due on the 10th March, (why am I writing this then? Haha).

A few weeks back I had jury service. It was a very interesting and eye opening experience. Better then my current part-time job!

I’m currently also planning my summer, I need to get to C2 (fluent) level in French by next year to have any chance of applying for a decent career role after my European Voluntary Service (EVS). German some point in the future. I’m aiming to do my EVS for a year. I’ve decided to take French lessons with the Institut Francais rather than Alliance Francais. A visit to the Institut Francais made the decision for me. It’s part French government funded and you can really see as it has excellent resources (Cinema, Library etc) it looked clean and modern throughout. It’s slightly cheaper which is big bonus! πŸ˜‰

To be honest now, I can’t wait to leave this country. Everything here has just sapped me. I’m gonna be happy to get out and I’m determined to do so.

I will not be available at all tomorrow. Friday 6th March 2015 as I will be focusing on my Environmental Economics assignment all day. I will write a blog post about it though because it’s an area of importance for me. stay tuned.

I’m so excited for 2016, it feels 2015 is just a filler year before my life really begins! But a lot of hard work to put in this year πŸ™‚